Conscious Vault

10 ways that the Sustainable Wedding Alliance can help your business

Feb 14, 2023

These 10 ways that the sustainable wedding alliance can help your business will give you an overview of how our organisation can help you become more sustainable in the wedding industry. With more and more couples wanting to be more eco-friendly with their wedding celebration, now is the time to introduce real sustainable policies into your wedding business. With a growing membership of conscious wedding suppliers benefitting from the support the Sustainable Wedding Alliance can offer, these 10 insights will show you how you can develop your brand with us.

10 ways that the Sustainable Wedding Alliance can help your business:

  1. Community
  2. Knowledge Bank
  3. Resources
  4. Trend Analysis
  5. Promotion
  6. Contacts
  7. Events
  8. Training
  9. Tools
  10. Conscience


1. Community

There are a lot of memberships in the online space that specialise in the wedding industry. However, most of these have sustainability as a topic rather than as the core focus, and the community may not be aligned to your priorities. At the Sustainable Wedding Alliance we are all joined together by the core common purpose of making weddings more sustainable, which means as a community we do not just have a similar ethos, but have core values and ethics that align. We do not believe in cliques, we do not believe in opaque practices and shady sales tactics. By joining the Sustainable Wedding Alliance you will become part of a community built on respect and camaraderie; creating incredible wedding experiences without compromising the planet.

2. Knowledge Base

Our dedicated team have specialist knowledge that can support you with introducing sustainability policies into your business. Our approach focuses on seven key principles that you can analyse, audit and then make meaningful changes to reduce your carbon footprint in the wedding industry. We have a commitment to continuous improvement and are dedicated to learning and discovering new ways to support your business with your sustainability journey. By connecting with leading professionals, policy makers and influencers in both the research and implementation of ethical practices, you as a business can benefit from expert knowledge when you become a member.

3. Resources

As a member of the Sustainable Wedding Alliance you will gain access to helpful resources that will allow you to make meaningful action from day one. You will have access to a suite of resources that do not focus on jargon, nor are they designed for conglomerate corporates; these resources are tailored for you as a wedding supplier, regardless of your size or stage you are at in your business. Our resource bank will help you with awareness, audit and analysis as well as implementation and communication; helping you to make sustainable change that is measurable. These resources are all provided with dedicated support, led by a founder who lives and breathes the realities of the wedding industry.

4. Trend Analysis

As a wedding vendor it can be difficult to stay on top of all of the emerging trends  in the wedding industry, particularly as the events and hospitality industry is very susceptible to economic and societal change. The Sustainable Wedding Alliance ensure we stay ahead of news, events and research which will affect the industry, and then we analyse and interpret that intelligence to provide meaningful information and guidance for your business. We also collect data with our own annual survey of couples, creating a detailed report on the opinions, preferences and choices that couples are making when it comes to their wedding celebrations which gives you relevant insight into how to shape your business.

5. Promotion

The Sustainable Wedding Alliance has a strong and growing online presence, and a benefit of being a member is the promotion opportunities that being part of our community presents. We actively promote our members through our website, emails and social media channels, and provide networking opportunities at our events. You will gain access to our promotional material that you can use in your own campaigns and we can support you with your messaging to attract your ideal clients.

6. Contacts

If you need support with finding professionals that can provide you with the right advice and services on your sustainability journey then the Sustainable Wedding Alliance membership will definitely benefit you. We have collaborated with and can give you access to industry experts that cover every aspect of your business, from finance experts to marketing experts, and we continuously add to this.

7. Events

One of the most popular elements of the Sustainable Wedding Alliance membership is the events we host across the country throughout the year. Our events provide opportunities to:

  • Network with likeminded businesses
  • Learn the latest developments in the industry – not just about sustainability
  • Connect with your brand and its values
  • Create content that will build rapport with your ideal clients

When you join us as a member of the Sustainable Wedding Alliance you’ll gain access to high quality events which separate us from the traditional online memberships available. Find out more about the membership and the events by enquiring now.

8. Training

The members hub is a treasure trove of training for you as a wedding supplier that is looking to become more sustainable. From how to build a sustainable supply chain, through to quick wins with your website to make it more visible, there is a vault of training available that you can access at any time. We strive to find the best training for you and are constantly adding new material to the platform to help support and enhance your brand.

9. Tools

Having tools that can help you to understand your business, its impact and how to make the required changes to be more eco-friendly is a key component of the Sustainable Wedding Alliance membership. We have planners, logs, trackers and action plans that will give you the ultimate support in your sustainability journey. We understand that every wedding supplier has a unique business model with varying degrees of infrastructure to consider, so we continue to add tools to the membership that are relevant for all kinds of wedding supplier, regardless of what stage you are at in your sustainability journey.

10. Conscience

It would be remiss of us to talk about 10 ways that the Sustainable Wedding Alliance can help your business without talking about our role as a conscience for your business. With so much greenwashing existing in the industry, and mounting pressure from both a cost perspective and client demands, it would be easy to have great intentions without the follow through. We are proud to act as a conscience for you and your business, to help you navigate the complex world of the wedding industry as a sustainable brand.


Are you ready to start your journey with us? Let’s go…

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